Bariatric Surgery – Get a healthier body

Is your high BMI worrying you? Have all your efforts to reduce weight met with constant failure? If so, weight loss surgeries might be the way to go. Bariatric surgery involves various surgical procedures for inducing weight loss by restricting food intake and absorption. This is done by manipulating the size of stomach and intestine.

The procedures involved under bariatric surgery vary depending on the extent of weight loss intended and preference of the candidate undergoing the procedure. They are known to enable weight loss in the range of 25% to 90%.

Here is an overview of the different procedures involved in bariatric surgery.

A procedure performed to reduce weight in highly obese patients, sleeve gastrectomy involves stapling a part of the stomach vertically to limit food intake. This creates a small pouch in place of the normal stomach and the remaining part is removed.

These are considered as add on procedures to further limit an already manipulated stomach. Banded Sleeve Gastrectomy involves adding a non adjustable band or ring made of silicon adjust its size. They are intended to avoid weight regain. 

Banded gastric bypass is another add-on done with the standard procedure. They help in adjusting the level of restriction and is usually preferred by those aiming for great weight loss.

A procedure to induce weight loss in obese patients, adjustable gastric band involves an adjustable ring that is placed on the stomach to limit its size. This can be adjusted and hence provide opportunity for controlled weight loss.

A day care method for inducing weight loss, the procedure involves inserting a balloon into the stomach and inflating it to fill about two thirds of the stomach. This limits the ability to consume more food and promotes a feeling of satiety by intake of small quantity of food.
Dr. Tulip, a renowned name in the field of obesity and diabetes surgery, is a leading laparoscopic and bariatric surgeon in Banglore offering quality treatment with an experience spanning over two decades.
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