
Showing posts from April, 2017

Bariatric Surgery – A Long Term Solution For Weight Loss

Many of us can relate to the struggle of dieting and exercise to lose the couple of extra pounds, just to fit into our favourite dress. In many cases, inspite of all the hardwork and turning a blind to our favourite cuisines, the numerals on the weight machine remains the same. Bariatric surgery is a group of surgical procedures for those of us who had our heart broken by the above-mentioned phenomena! Obesity not only hurts our aesthetic sentiments, it invites a horde of other diseases as well. The procedures in bariatric surgery helps in long term weight loss while relieving related disorders like blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis and so on. Bariatric surgery is done laparoscopically and hence is simpler and painless, when compared to conventional surgeries. The recovery period is shorter as well. They are known to bring about a loss of about 70-90% of excess weight, though the results are not instantaneous. Should I get a bariatric surgery? Bariatric surgery